Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Blogging with or without photos

Hello, Everybody.

I've discovered I can upload photos from internet explorer but not from Foxfire. This makes no sense to me whatever, but there ya go.

Here at the Place, as we like to call it, we have been working very hard. The floors are done, the painting is nearly done, and Dave has planted a garden. If I can find his camera, I can put up some pics. Heh heh, I guess I'll do pics tomorrow.

Anyway, in the news today is that I think you should all join facebook. I keep up with Trent and Nathan there, at least somewhat.

Also in the news is that Dave has a new job. He will be starting it next week or the week after. It is in a town about an hour an a half away, but get this: they pay him while he commutes plus they pay him for mileage. With our hybrid car, he will even make money on the way there and back. So we can stay here, in our happy little home.

Now all you kids who never call--that's OK, because I don't really like phones anyway. But I would love to get emails to see how you are all doing.

Love, Love!

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Step 1: download and install Skype
Step 2: make sure your microphone works
Step 3: get to talk to people who also have Skype (such as Trent and I) as long as you want for free, like a free direct line.
Step 4: eat chocolate
