Tuesday, July 29, 2014

And more cards...

I made some more cards:

Monday, July 21, 2014

I'm back to cardmaking.

I've made a few cards lately and even remembered to take pictures.  Just to get warmed up to blogging again, I'm going to post a few.  The two of me are just for laughs.  The first one shows my magic eyes that can look up and down at the same time.  It is actually quite hideous. The other one is to show that I can also make both eyes go the same direction at the same time.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Birthday cards this week

Conrad's birthday was yesterday. I made him a card with a birthday cake in it. The pics are in my phone and I don't know how to get them on the computer because the tiny little card doesn't fit in my computer, and the card adapter doesn't seem to be working.

However, here are a few cards I made for friends with birthdays soon.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Long time, no post

You've probably all given up on me by now, it's been so long since I blogged. I have been making more cards and stuff so I think I'll get on here more.

It's kind of like a journal, isn't it? Don't write for a long time, feel like I have to catch up.

Anyway, a few pictures. I made a gingerbread house for our church party. I didn't actually get to go to the party because we were in Grand Island, but the house got to go. Since I am terrible at cake decorating (or gingerbread decorating), I made my gingerbread house out of PAPER.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Luna made me a birthday card

Notice the subliminal message? She was actually trying to write "open".

Last week was my (hmmmf)th birthday, and Luna made me a card. Let's take a look, shall we?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back to School, Already

Two of my children are soon back to school. Nathan continues his engineering studies at the University of Utah, and Andrea begins her work at the University of Central Arkansas.

I made them these cards, which also work with the challenge at todays www.365cards.blogspot.com: "Today I challenge you to create a scene on your card. In March, I posted a similar challenge, which was to create a nature scene. This time I'm looking for something indoors. Use stamps, stickers, fussy cutting, whatever you wish as long as it creates a scene."

Well, at the risk of creating a scene, here they are.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Another Day, Another Card

Today's challenge was to make a card, adding dimension at least two different ways. Here is a card I made for my grandson, for Back to School. It has cuttlebug texture and the backpack is pop-dotted.

Also in the news, we bought a little wading pool for the grandkids and Luna and Dallin enjoyed it this afternoon. Wow, we have an exciting life. Luna is also spending the night with us. She's a sweetie.