Monday, September 29, 2008

Time to pack and load

Today we pack up our stuff and head back to Norfolk.

I've been looking at houses for sale in Norfolk on the internet and sometimes I'm ready to ride by one when I remember I'm not there yet. Isn't it interesting how we can be someplace in our minds like that?

My friend Teresa is really glad we're going back. I missed her too.

Another weird thing is that Norfolk feels more like home to me now than Utah does.

I'll always be a Utah girl but I do love Nebraska.

Hi Andrea! Love ya!

Friday, September 26, 2008

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Well, you know how some weeks are more interesting than others? This is one of those weeks.

First, we made an offer on a house here in Atlantic. It is charming, and large, and beautiful. It's house number is 1823 and we made the offer on 9-23 (1+8-23). We offered 167, 600 (our first apartment's address). They countered with 175,000. We decided to counter counter the next morning.

Well, the next morning, the job fell through.

So, we're going back to Norfolk. I'm sad about the job, but I'm happy about Norfolk.

Somehow I think we're supposed to live in Norfolk. This is the third time this has happened.

So everybody send a positive thought for Dave, please.

But it's all good.

See you in Nebraska!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Vacation to Arkansas

We made it to Arkansas! It rained most of the way here (leftovers from Ike, I guess), but we had no problems.

Natalie and Alex have grown so much and are as charming and smart and cute and wonderful and delightful as can be.

I discovered I have one reader of my blog. Andrea, are you there?

I posted some pictures, finally. I think I'll work to improve my blog, now that I have a readership.